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1992 Ford 3230 Agricultural Tractor

Inventory # 0617151
Year: 1992
Serial # BD10860
Make: Ford
Model: 3230
Type: Agricultural Tractor
Motor: Ford 3 cylinder natural mech 37 hp
Transmission: 8 speed
Tires: 225/75R16 front - 16.9-28 rear
Rims: 6 lug front - 8 lug rear - all steel
Hour Reading: 2,504
Length: 12'8"
Width: 7'
Height: 8'
Loading Height:
Weight: 6,160 lbs
Mower Details: John Deere 240 3 point hitch mounted rotary sickle mower - SN E00240X310016, (as is needs repair - pivot pin sheared off), cuts 5' wide
Added Details: runs and works well, open ROPS
Price: $10,900 $7,900 CA PA Title


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