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We Export Around the World

We have much experience in exporting trucks and parts to other countries such as Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Santo Domingo, Africa, Chile, Mexico, Haiti, and others!
Some of the countries that have bought from us:
Argentina Australia Bahrain Botswana Cameroon Canada Chad Chile China Columbia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Egypt Germany Ghana Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Jordan Liberia Lithuania Mexico Morocco Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Poland Puerto Rico Senegal South Africa Togo Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Venezuela Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe
Tenemos experiencia en exportes de equipo, piezas y camiones a Centro America, Mejico, Africa, las Islas del Caribe, y Europa. Ofrecemos el mejor servicio a los mejores precios. Si el (800) no funciona, puede marcar el (845) 856-1142.


For shipping around the world, please contact our friends at:
AES Shipping (908) 436-2150
ATI Container Services (786) 235-5400
Seahorse Express (201) 955-1199
American Shipping International LLC - Chris Loux - (908) 224-1122 / (908) 217-8717
Call for a free quote or any questions regarding overseas shipping.

Additional $400 delivery fee for second piece on same trip.

Delivery Fees - *Subject to Change* - rates effective Aug 20, 2021
Newark - Redhook Terminal [NJ] Pennsauken Port [NJ] Brooklyn Port [NY] Delaware Port [DE] Baltimore Port [MD]
starting at $1,350 starting at $1,600 starting at $1,700 starting at $1,700 starting at $1,950

The above are prices for delivery of trucks and machines that fit on our Landoll trailers and are within legal length, height and weight.
Any deliveries requiring permits of any kind are subject to additional charges. Items that need to be towed will be quoted depending on the piece.

Memo From Port Authority of New York & New Jersey:

Due to the fatal ship fire on July 5th, 2023 on board the Grande Costa D'Avorio, effective July 25th, 2023, the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
has issued a temporary suspension of delivering and loading previously owned vehicles (POV's) until further notice on any RO/RO or container vessels.

This will impact ALL trade lanes and shipping lines.
If shipping to West Africa with Grimaldi or Sallaum Lines, these are the nearest ports:

Grimaldi Lines – Providence, RI, Wilmington, DE or Baltimore, MD
Sallaum Lines – Davisville, RI, Philadelphia PA, or Baltimore, MD

For South America, Central America & Caribbean, these are the nearest ports:

NYK – Baltimore, MD
Eukor – Brunswick, GA

Memo From Grimaldi Lines Port Newark, NJ new regulations 6/14/2023:

Please see attached updated Grimaldi RoRo Receiving Policy. Please note that effective immediately Grimaldi will only accept units which are regular title or salvage title.

Grimaldi will not accept any unit that has the below title classification:
Certificate of Destruction
Non-Repairable Title
Junk Title
Parts Only Title
Any Title type indicating flood damage

Memo From Grimaldi Lines Port Newark, NJ new regulations 4/22/2021:

Effective immediately, Grimaldi Lines will no longer accept tanks or tanker trucks that previously have contained methane, propane, or butane gases.
Even if tanks have been certified as cleaned there is still residue and we cannot load. Any tanks delivered that contained any of the above gases will need to be removed at the cost of the shipper.

Memo From 2/27/2009:

"Please be aware every port including New Jersey, Jacksonville, and Wilmington for Mitsui Lines, there will be a storage fee for any unit that has been sitting at the port after 30 days.
The port allows 30 free days to let the unit sit there until the vessel arives and sails. If any unit has customs issues such as lien release problems or the VIN plate is incorrect with title then the
owner will be responsible for that fee. Also, if there is a mechanical issue and needs to be repaired then the owner will be held responsible for storage fee as well. The charge will be $3.50 each day after
the 30th free day given by the port until the unit is loaded onto the vessel. Please make sure every vehicle has a Lien Release if there is a Lien holder on title and/or the vehicle has no mechanic problems."


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Arthur Trovei & Sons, Inc.
P.O. Box 777 | 82 Sleepy Hollow Road
Sparrow Bush, NY 12780
Office: 1-800-755-8655 | 845-856-1142
WhatsApp: EN 845-239-7987 | ES 845-421-8029
Fax: (845) 856-6525 - Email Us!